Heritage - Prosiectau - Page 4
Sandy Bremner
Sandy is the Convener of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Britain’s biggest national park.
Lisa Power MBE
Mae Lisa Power yn ymgyrchydd amlwg dros iechyd rhywiol a hawliau LGBTQIA+ ym Mhrydain, ac mae wedi cael ei disgrifio fel ‘mam fawr’ gweithredu dros LGBTQIA+.
Heidi McIIvenny
Heidi McIlvenny was part of the Sea Deep Project, a first-of-its-kind shark-tagging programme in Northern Ireland to gather vital data about local sharks, skates and rays.
Arthur Torrington CBE
Arthur Torrington CBE, a passionate community advocate born in Guyana, has dedicated his life to preserving the legacy of the Windrush Generation.