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What’s New - Northern Ireland

  1. The National Lottery and ITV invites the public to ‘Miss Out’ on their favourite ITV show to ‘Help Out’ in their local community

    20th November 2020

    A spotlight is being shone on people who give up their time to help communities, thanks to a new campaign from The National Lottery, ITV and STV. Miss Out To Help Out is encouraging the public to miss out on their favourite TV shows and use that time to ‘help out’ in their community.

  2. The Athlete Lockdown Lowdown

    11th November 2020

    Catch up with the Lockdown Lowdown of Top Athletes.

  3. Abbie Canning by Chris Floyd

    Iconic art galleries and film institute join forces to celebrate unheralded champions of the arts sector

    2nd November 2020

    1 Society’s Unheralded Champions: A National Lottery Report, October 2020 includes findings from a survey completed by a nationally representative sample of 6,000 adults from across the UK between 2-9 October 2020. It was scripted, hosted, sampled and data processed by Opinium.

  4. The Benefits We’ve Seen Are Huge

    2nd November 2020

    Arts Care is a uniquely original health care organisation founded on the idea of giving patients, families, staff and visitors a better quality of experience through participation and access to the arts. Every week it delivers a weekly programme of art of all kinds, including visual art, dance, art, music, film-making, creative writing, and even clown doctors across five health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland.

  5. Clubbing Together

    2nd November 2020

    Created for children on the autistic spectrum, those with additional support needs, who are socially excluded, or have disabilities, the programmes Abbie creates for Q Club – established in 2016 after winning funding from BBC Children in Need – allows young people aged between five and eighteen to explore digital technologies in a creative art context

  6. The Show Must Go On

    2nd November 2020

    An award-winning freelance actress and writer living in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland she was due to premiere her new play Conversations with Angels before the complete disruption of coronavirus. Undeterred, Maria set up 1 Eleven Theatre Company earlier this year, going on to write, produce, direct and act in another play – The Broads.

  7. Reinvigorated community spirit and better relationships with neighbours has left people feeling safer

    28th October 2020

    A report released today by The National Lottery indicates that over the past eight months almost half of adults in the UK (49%) feel, notwithstanding the hardship of the pandemic, a positive to emerge is the sense of community spirit.

  8. If You Want Something Done, Then Just Do It Yourself

    28th October 2020

    During lockdown, Christina, who is from Antrim in Northern Ireland, made and delivered care packages to each and every member of the group every fortnight.


    19th October 2020

    This Morning resident doctor and former Strictly Come Dancing star Dr Ranj Singh has named inspirational husband and wife duo ‘Lockdown Legends’ in coveted National Lottery Awards, for their work providing surplus food to those in need.

  10. Fares4Free9

    How a taxi driver helped me talk

    9th October 2020

    William Hall is a 25-year army veteran who had fallen into isolation, that is until he met David Gibson, the founder of Fares4Free.

  11. Olympic gold medallist Denise Lewis reveals first National Lottery Award 2020 winner!

    8th October 2020

    The winner of the National Lottery Award 2020 - Health category

  12. Finding a way through the Maze

    18th August 2020

    A journey of discovery on one of Northern Ireland's most notorious sites proved an eye-opening experience for 24 young people.